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What We Can Learn From History

Pastor Dave Webster

Is There Hope For Revival In Darkening Days?

When I watch events unfolding around our world and witness the corruption and wickedness our country blatantly boasts and promotes I think we are quickly heading for some bad times of divine judgment in the not to distant future.  There is a crossing the line that a nation does or a person does that brings the judgment of God.  

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Preparing the Next Generation

I have heard it said that as Christians we need to work like the Lord is not coming back for a hundred years but prepare like he is coming back tomorrow.  I really believe these are wise words of advice.  I truly believe we are living in the final days of the dispensation known scripturally as “the times of the Gentiles.”  Christ foretold of how things would unfold when “the times of the Gentiles” would be fulfilled, meaning when the Gentile program would come to a climax or end.  God dealt primarily to the world in the Old Testament times through the nation of Israel until 70 A.D. when Jerusalem and in particular the Jerusalem temple was totally destroyed by the Roman military siege. Now God deals with the world through Gentile nations known again as “the times of the Gentiles.”  Luke:21:24: And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

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A Call To Stand In The Gap

The series on Revival and need for revival is echoed in this article by Armin Gesswein as he shares this very timely article on the call for all Christians to stand in the gap.  We must be willing to intercede for our country while it hands in the balance of the judgment of God and deliverance in these perilous times.  God can change the course of history when we pray and fast.  Gods chosen people have always been used to change the course of history in the world and it must happen again.  

God did not intend the church to be without the power of the supernatural.  The design of Christ in establishing the church was that she should give light to this dark world.  The world is making significant preparations for a death struggle.  At the same time the church is facing the greatest crisis in history.  God is calling for intercessors to stand in the gap, ones who will take upon themselves the burden of the world dying in sin.

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Heaven-Sent Revival Can Save A Nation

I have  been doing a series on the Moravian Revival which started in 1727 and changed the world.  This article by Al Whittinghill makes the point in this article that a spiritual revival or awakening is our only hope as a nation to get us back what we have lost.  I thought it was worth forwarding so read and head!

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The Moravian Awakening Our Example

The Moravian Awakening or Revival is an important piece of history that very few know about today.  Part of the problem is that, sadly, there is little interest in revival even among Christians today.  Many people are so confused about what revival really is that they do not want to hear more of what they consider religious nonsense on revival.  Others are so wrapped up in themselves and all that is going on in the present world that they don’t have time to hear about true revival.   For some, revival is a meeting down at the corner church with a sign on a door. To others it is where people go into ecstatic behaviour. True revival is when God’s Holy Spirit comes down upon a congregation of people and that congregation is changed forever with a sense of the holiness and majesty of God Almighty.  Revival is simply God visiting His people.   Revival is always in response to godly people praying and seeking His help.  Grace is poured upon them from a heavenly unlimited resource.  Grace is simply the favour of God experienced by people who are recipients of His great grace.  A verse in the book of Acts is probably the best-defined explanation of when the power of grace and revival comes upon a group of His people: Acts 4:33: And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. 

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Wednesday October 30, 2024