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Prince Albert Tales

Morley Harrison

50 Years Ago This Month – July, 1971

July 1, 1971 Prince Albert reached a high of 23 degrees Celsius. Our city this July 1st was a hot 33 degrees.

While our city and area may have been cooler in July of 1971, it still recorded interesting local stories. So let’s look back to see a few of the those ‘tidbits’ from the past. 

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Tidbits From 50 Years Ago – June 1971

June 2021 certainly, due to the presence of Covid 19, looks different for Prince Albert and area citizens than that month did in the past. Perhaps a gander back at what was going on 50 years ago in the month of June of 1971, might distract us from Covid concerns for a few moments.

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Two Interviews Hit the Target

In the last column I wrote about Ron Smith, a past member of the Prince Albert Timberland Bowbenders Archery Club. Ron passed away recently. Ron may not be with us now but that which he loved is still here for others to explore – archery - through the club he served.

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Fo Sho!

I am sure many kids have shot a bow and arrow and pretended to be Robin Hood, just like I did as a kid.

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