Prince Albert Voice
“Don’t let ’em tear that little old buildin’ down
There isn’t any like it in the country or the town”
These lines are from a song--you’ve likely heard it--in praise of the outdoor toilet, biffy, privy, outhouse , backhouse, thunder shack and other names not suited for polite society. A fellow I jam with did this little ditty recently. It expresses a nostalgic sadness for the old outhouses and their near disappearance.
This is about the three WWII soldiers I knew the best. One was my uncle. One was my father-in-law. The other I know only through his books, but they are very vivid.
“My God, what kind of place is this?” That’s a question our early pioneers must have often asked themselves in their first years of settlement. It is, after all, as I’ve often mentioned here, a land of unpredictability and wild extremes, more so than any other province of Canada.
I assume that you, dear reader, have friends. At least one? If so you’ve come across some very fine quotes somewhere--likely Facebook--about friendship. Like “Friends are the siblings God never gave us”. Or “Friendship makes life more beautiful”. Or “Friendship is a sweet responsibility”.
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell
The reason why I cannot tell
But this I know and know full well
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell