Prince Albert Voice
If you ever thought we Saskatchewanians might get through the whole December-to February period without at some point temperatures plunging like Harvey Weinstein’s reputation into the -30s and perhaps even the -40s, you haven’t lived here long.
Are you ready for the world of the 2020s? Maybe when you hear what the “experts” are predicting you’ll just want to pull the blankets up over your head and stay there.
If Willie Nelson were to hold a concert for all his fans to attend, would a place the size of your living room be big enough?
That may give you an idea of the Christmas problem Esther faced this year.
Market studies show Canadians are not as brand conscious as they once were. That surprised me. I thought Canadians have always been as attached to their favourite brands as squirrels to nuts.
I finally figured out why I’m such a mixed-up, unfocused, uncool kind of guy: I belong to the wrong generation.
It’s true. Figure it out--every generation living today has something going for it but mine.